Plan your adventure of a lifetime and visit the Galapagos Islands where you will find the most beloved and famous creatures that call this paradise home! Snorkel in the warm waters alongside sea turtles and penguins, kayak with sea lions swimming alongside your vessel, or hike across dried lava beds and observe the famous blue-footed boobies and marine iguanas at close range. The Galapagos Islands is the perfect eco-adventure destination!

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution stems from this bio-diverse archipelago of volcanic islands that allow travellers the opportunity to observe some of the rarest species on earth. Originally named the "Islands of the Tortoises" - where giant tortoises were found throughout the islands! Galapagos is one of the most bio-diverse areas in the world with 97.5% of the archipelago as a protected national park.

A perfect place to explore and learn, the Galapagos provides striking scenery with sightings of exotic species found no where else on earth! Even the flora and fauna are very unique from island to island. The area consists of 19 islands and 42 islets - each with their own unique landscape and creatures that are relatively isolated from one another. An island-hopping journey of discovering new species every step of the way.

A must see place and some of the must see creatures...

Galapagos Giant Tortoise - largest living species of tortoise in the world - weighing up to 900 lbs. The tortoises are relatively poor swimmers and with the isolation between islands, has resulted in the independent evolution of many subspecies of the Galapagos Giant Tortoise.

Galapagos Marine Iguana - the only iguana or modern lizard species to forage in the sea. Darwin referred to them as "imps of darkness" - mostly black in color and clumsily climbing on the rocks near the sea shore. Although their appearance (and smell) is somewhat revolting, they are typically kind to other lizard species, birds and fish.

Great Frigatebird - not unique to the Galapagos but these large seabirds have a large nesting population on the islands. Their distinctive bright red throat sac that male frigatebirds show off during breeding season. The males compete by dancing side to side with their pushed up bright red chests, while the females watch from a distance before choosing their mate.

Blue-Footed Booby - adorable and silly looking birds that are easily recognizable by their bright blue feet. Male blue-footed boobies display their feet in a mating ritual by lifting their feet high off the ground and strutting around for the female's amusement. These too are not unique to the Galapagos, but about half of all breeding boobies make their nest on the islands.

Galapagos Penguin - native and restricted to the Galapagos and the only penguin found north of the equator. They survive in warm climate due to the cool waters from the nearby Humboldt and Cromwell Currents. Unfortunately, an endangered species and likely the rarest species of penguin in the world! Be kind and considerate to our penguin friends...actually, always be kind and considerate to all animals, and ensure you keep a safe distance from all wildlife in the Galapagos and other parts of the world!